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jeudi 26 mai 2016


I don't know about you, but the temperatures coming back to normal make me want to frolic around naked under the green foliages, and I'm not being ironic. Here is a little selection of mine : it's not very hype and maybe a bit old, but with just the adequate tone to go roll on the grass (before the siberian weather returns).

Palma Violets - English Tongue : The cheerful mess
British fellows making garage rock from Rough Trade. As far as I'm concerned, I don't need more. But if you like to celebrate the Spring, drinking beer in a London pub with suspicious characters who are missing half of their teeth, here you go.

Audioslave - Cochise : Tough and rough
Time to dig out your sunglasses. You blow the thick layer of dust out of the case, not without any emotion, before you ceremoniously put your RayBan/3euros H&M specs on your nose. You walk through your front door to start your day, your first step followed by explosions and Harleys coming out from rings of fires.

The cute and vernal track of the playlist. This gentleman lost his boy/girlfriend and he weeps a little, without sinking completly into depression. To get the most of it, listen to it lying down in the grass with the sun gently warming your face. I'm not joking, the grass part is crucial.

I like songs that tell me a story, specially when it's about people having a bad day. And just like that, in three minutes, we go for a ride in a trashy car in the middle a an US desert – some clichés never get old because they are just cool.

Darondo - Didn't I : Melancholic chill
This masterpiece has two levels of listening. First, the direct appreciation, the urge to stop living for a minute just to be able to enjoy the music and whatever is around you. And then the intense nostalgia of a time you've never known, of holidays you've never planned, of friends you'll never meet. Sometimes the woowoohooo are not that cheerful.

There, you are now well equipped for a moment. You can find all the tracks (and a few more of the same vibe) on the spotify playlist of the article. Don't hesitate to tell me what are your favorites, or what you are listening to these days ! In the meantime, I'm gonna make a bonfire with my coats and scarves...

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